Train Others?
It is our goal to train others so that they may participate in the blessings they may otherwise miss out on. We are certainly willing to train you in ministry opportunities and allow you to be a part of what God is doing in the body of Christ today.
Get Involved at CWC
We have opportunities to work in God’s House for everyone! At CWC not only will you be able to hear messages for your life today, you will also be given the opportunity to be trained into various ministries. We are an activated body of believers with an attitude of service and a desire to train and equip any who wish to be a part to the advancement of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
No place is too small or insignificant to serve in God’s House and every opportunity to work is also an opportunity to discover your God given purpose and call for your life.
Some of our Ministry Opportunities
Building Maintenance & Utility
Children Ministry
Fellowship Servers
Lighthouse Christian Academy
Ministry of Helps
Prayer Line
Sign, Dance & Expressive Worship
Sound and Multimedia
Tech Ministry
Teen Ministry
Women's Meeting

“Your gifts and talents were given to bless others. When you remove yourself from working in His Church, you are taking those blessings away from those who need them.”
— Deacon Jason Sisco